
Sunday worship from 9.30AM IST
Communion Service on First sunday of the month

Bible Study

Wednesday Bible Study from 7.00PM IST
Friday Tape Service @7.00PM IST


Friday Fasting Prayer @10.00AM IST
Saturday Prayer Service @10.00AM IST

Only Believe, All Things Are Possible...

See church for prayer requests, message books and visitations.


This photograph (left photo) appeared on the cover of "Science Magazine", 19th April 1963, in "Life Magazine", 17th May 1963, and in the "London Observer". The" Encyclopedia Britannica" also recorded details of this cloud in their 1965 year book.


Brother William M. Branham, The prophet of this age. The photograph was verified as being an authentic capture of a supernatural being by Mr. George J. Lacy of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8.